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Danielle Chevalier

Farmer, Fitness Trainer & Wild Survivor


Hello and welcome to Fields of Recovery! My name is Danielle. I can help you get to the best shape of your life.


My personal history:

Running a farm and raising a family led to overwork and to overuse injuries, and rage. I apply the skills I've learned as a health and fitness professional to my own recovery. In doing so, I was inspired to start the Adventure Wellness Club. Adventure Wellness Club is for hard workers that want to serve their community and feel great. If you struggle with the same things I did, check out what the Adventure Wellness Club has to offer.


Fields of Recovery, FARMFIT, & The Adventure Wellness Club



Homesteading, emergency preparedness and survival skills have always been important to me. I strive to better the world and serve my community by committing my time to improving these skills, and that's how I do fitness. 



Growing food has deeply influenced my character. When you tend crops you are able to see a bigger picture of intricacy and power.


Nature's sensitivity and yours are of epic proportions. You are connected. And also, to all those before who have planted seeds and tended patiently through fruition you are also connected.


Imagine if you learned to grow only one thing.


How about potatoes.


Most likely in your lifetime you would only have the chance to do it 40 to 80 times Max.  


Consider the scale of it when there are so many plants to grow, to learn about, to experience.


Potatoes are just one of thousands of things we can learn about by growing. And as we grow we become one step closer to a secure future. 1 step closer to personal sustainability.


And you have the opportunity to serve as well. You can grow food for others. Feed people.


It is a gift to take part in the cycles of Nature. The cycles of life and death, and of transformation. From compost (blood, guts, poop, sweat....), through storms, with sunshine and sometimes under great blue sky to green pastures and abundance of roots, stems, stalks, fruit, beans, seeds.


It is also incredibly grounding. It's a great way to stay strong, skilled, practical, and of service to your community.


More of my story


I was not a high school athlete. I smoked cigarettes and got into trouble for bringing alcohol to school at a very early age. I never had any interest in gaining muscle mass until I became a farmer.



As a farmer, I suffered physically, emotionally, and mentally. From the stress of finances, of putting all our work into crops beginning in Winter, before seeing a return in the summer or fall and sometimes none at all. There are always risks and challenges.


For the first 10 years we were harvesting year round, in the Northwest winters where the rains fall everyday hovering just below freezing.


All of this made me hardy and strong. But I was in pain.


Shoulder pain, knee pain, back pain. I could be seen often running around mad angry, forcing myself and attempting to get others to get the job done. In my 30 years I had high blood pressure. I was causing more pain to my body and to the people around me.


I  was making myself crazy from the pressures and demands I put on myself. 


Personal fitness training, lifestyle medicine, and yoga improved my body, my life and my relationships.


Now I practice and teach skills for building functional strength, moving pain-free, harnessing deep sleep and tuning up your emotional regulators. 


​My Background & Beliefs


       Before I was a farmer & personal trainer, I was a midwife. I studied human development. I learned the intricacies of body systems and details of anatomy & physiology. I witnessed how miraculous the body is. I saw how much diet and exercise could impact the pregnancy, the birth, and the recovery. But it was in studying exercise science, behavioral health & addictions science that I learned to use the tools for optimum performance for all humans no matter the stage of life.


I know which tools to use and how to use them to replace harmful habits with ones that help us and the planet thrive. But it takes time and it takes support. Like the tending from seed to full fruition.


       I believe in learning by doing and that we can all build on our strengths wherever we are.


When you pay attention to your limits while at the same time consistently challenging yourself you can build the stamina to achieve great feats more easily.


Since 2013, I've facilitated 1000s of body mind wellness activities for people of all ages and backgrounds: at churches, shelters, drop-in centers, residential drug treatment and outdoor behavioral healthcare centers, at the health club, the yoga studio, and at the hospital.


These are regular people who've struggled with mental health issues, addictions, insomnia, high blood pressure, and chronic diseases. We all have habits that can help or hinder our own healing.



I created The Adventure Wellness Club to help

you achieve optimum health & performance.  



You can work hard AND feel good in your body. You can be productive, strong, and gentle.


        The Adventure Wellness Club is for people who want to give their best to the world, make the most the time here on earth AND want to feel great doing it. 


We use personal training, teamwork, the seasons' cycles and the wisdom of patience of tending healthy habits while weeding out, threshing and winnowing away the things that harm us. 


If you're interested in joining the club



Western Washington University


Skagit Valley College


American Council on Exercise (ACE) + American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

National Registry Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT)

Political Science Honors. Specializing in Comparative Health Policy. Outdoor Recreation Leadership Award from the Department of Health & Human Development. Addictions Science. Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare. Therapeutic & Community Recreation. Eco Tourism & Recreation Management. Remote Emergency Medicine.

Exercise Science. Anatomy & Physiology. Nutrition. Interpersonal Communication. Exercise Prescription. Functional & Intergrated Fitness Training Model.

ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Health Coach.

ACSM Public Health & Physical  Activity Specialist.

NREMT EMT -B, WA State licensed Emergency Medical Technician.


Continuing Education

Yoga for 12 Step Recovery. Prenatal & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist. Lifestyle Medicine Essentials. Running Pain Free. Function First Pain-Free Movement Specialist. Building Postnatal Core Strength. 600hr Yoga Teacher Training. Habit Change. Kalari. Circadian Rhythm.

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